
Water Consumption

Realising the importance of water, especially during the summer when water scarcity problems on the island are acute, the Group constantly proceeds to the following actions every year:

  • Drilling 
  • Desalination plants
  • Reverse osmosis and filtration units
  • Since the establishment of Santo Maris Oia Luxury Suites & Spa, the hotel's sewage disposal system has been connected to the local biological wastewater treatment so that our liquid waste be not discharged directly into the sea. 
  • Automated watering of the green areas of the hotels at night, so as to avoid the morning sunshine when approximately 30% of water is lost through evaporation.
  • Application of drip irrigation systems. Watering is carried out with the use of netafim hose, which minimises the impact of high temperatures during summer months. 
  • Water flow reduction filters have been installed in all faucets of the hotel. 
  • Implementation of the "Wash on Demand" policy regarding the hotel's cleaning service. The guests' towels are replaced only if they have been left on the floor and the sheets only when they are marked with a special labelling, thus helping to inform our customers about the need to reduce water consumption. 
  • Control and maintenance of the water quality at all places it is used (Certified by ISO: 22000) 
  • Cleaning pools manually or using robotic pool cleaners to avoid replacing fresh water frequently.
  • Installation of automatic leak detection and damage system to ensure optimal performance and excellent operation of all plumbing systems.
  • Instructions to the employees for the use of dishwashers in order to reduce water consumption. 
  • Training seminars to our employees on how to reduce personal daily water consumption.